Oracle tablespace Export =>
01. Make sure you set the ORACLE_SID or TWO_TASK variable appropriately
02. Login with system/sys user as sysdba
03. Execute below command to find the tablespace you want to export
Select tablespace_name, file_name from dba_data_files;
04. Execute the below command to export the tablespace
exp system/admin tablespaces=ARSYSTEM file=ARSYSTEM.dmp
Oracle Tablespace Import =>
01. Make sure you set the ORACLE_SID or TWO_TASK variable appropriately
02. Login with system/sys user as sysdba
03. Create a dummy tablespace and user before importing the new tablespace with commands
1 In an SQL*Plus window, create the tablespace. For example:
create tablespace arsystem
datafile 'c:\qa\data\QATST\data\arsys.dbf' size 500M reuse;
2 Create a user. For example:
create user aradmin identified by AR#Admin#
default tablespace arsystem
temporary tablespace temp
quota unlimited on arsystem;
3 Create a role for the user you created. For example:
create role ARole_arsys not identified;
4 Set the privileges for the role. For example:
grant alter session, create cluster, create database link, create
sequence, create session, create synonym, create table, create
view, create procedure, create trigger, query rewrite to
5 Grant the role to the user. For example:
grant ARole_arsys to aradmin;
04. Execute the below command to import the tablespace
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