Thursday, August 5, 2010

Applying Db2 licenses on DB2 Database once existing license expired

Often we come into situation where the existing db2 license got expired and we cannot able to start the instance and running into below error

bash-3.2$ db2start
08/05/2010 23:31:34 0 0 SQL8000N DB2START processing failed; a valid product license was not found. If you have licensed this product, ensure the license key is properly registered. You can register the license via the License Center or db2licm command line utility. The license key can be obtained from your licensed product CD.
SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019

To resolve the above error, you can see when the expired date for license with below command

bash-3.2$ db2licm -l
Product name: "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition"
Expiry date: "Expired"
Product identifier: "db2ese"
Version information: "9.5"

Product name: "DB2 Connect Server"
Expiry date: "Expired"
Product identifier: "db2consv"
Version information: "9.5"
Concurrent connect user policy: "Disabled"
Enforcement policy: "Soft Stop"

You have to remove the license and apply the license to start the db2 instance. Below are the swiches you can use with db2licm

db2licm [-a filename]
[-e product-identifier HARD | SOFT]
[-p product-identifier
[-r product-identifier]
[-u product-identifier num-users]
[-c product-identifier num-connectors]
[-g filename]
[-l][show detail]

The command options are:

-a Adds a license for a product. Specify a file name containing
valid license information. This can be obtained from your
licensed product CD or contact your IBM representative or
authorized dealer.

-e Updates the enforcement policy on the system. Valid values are:
HARD and SOFT. HARD specifies that unlicensed requests will not
be allowed. SOFT specifies that unlicensed requests will be
logged but not restricted.

-p Updates the license policy type to use on the system. The
keyword CONCURRENT can be specified for concurrent user policy.
Specify OFF to turn off all policies.

-r Removes the license for a product. Specify the product

-u Updates the number of user entitlements that have been
purchased. Specify the product identifier and the number of

-c Updates the number of connector entitlements that have been
purchased. Specify the product identifier and the number of
connector entitlements.

-g Generates compliance report. Specify file name where output is
to be stored.

-x Resets license compliance information for the purposes of
license compliance report.

-l[show detail]
Lists all the products with available license information,
including the product identifier. Specify [show detail] to view
detailed information about licensed features (if any).

-v Displays version information.

-? Displays help information. When this option is specified, all
other options are ignored, and only the help information is


To remove db2 license

bash-3.2$ db2licm -r "db2ese"

LIC1403I License removed successfully.


To apply db2 license

bash-3.2$ db2licm -a "/data1/db2/databases/v95inst1/db2ese.lic"

LIC1448I This license was automatically applied at install time in
order to enable you to start working with DB2

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