Tuesday, November 23, 2010

DB2 Error - with reason "42" ("ROOT CAPABILITY REQUIRED").

unable to connect to db2 9.7 db because of below error

connect to arsys user aradmin using AR#Admin# SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "42" ("ROOT CAPABILITY REQUIRED"). SQLSTATE=08001
Execute db2iupdt for the instance to reset the permissions. Even if db2chkpw's ownership is right, I would recommend running a db2iupdt.

bash-3.00# ./db2iupdt -k db2inst1
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005
DBI1766W Cannot change the secondary group list of db2inst1.


A code, 88, is returned when attempting to change the secondary
group list of the given user ID. One of the following situations has
* NIS is running.
* One or more processes are currently being executed under the given
user ID.

User response:

You must add the group ID, dasadm1, to the secondary group list of
the user ID, db2inst1, so that the Adminstration Server can function
* If there happens to be any process run under the given user ID,
terminate all of these processes and follow the instructions above to
setup the secondary group list of this user ID.
* If you are running this command on an NIS client, try the above
instructions to setup the secondary group list of this user ID on
your NIS server.

Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005

DBI1070I Program db2iupdt completed successfully.

db2 => connect to DB2INST1 user root using xxxxxx

Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/SUN64 9.7.0
SQL authorization ID = ROOT
Local database alias = DB2INST1

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this! Really saved me during a time-dependent upgrade!
